Crystallise Your Essence
through Transpersonal Art Therapy
Our aliveness is often dulled over time and by life experiences, however, it’s the most important part of us – our essence -- the seat of our power and the core of our being.
This needs to be vibrant so we can live an authentic life and impact those around us positively.
I can help you crystallise this essential nature of yours, to be your best self.
"Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.
Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go and do that.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Howard Thurman
author, philosopher, theologian, educator, civil rights leader
Whether in Homebush West, online or at your place if in Sydney's Inner West, I provide a confidential, supportive and reasonably priced service where you can experience transpersonal art therapy with me. This will help heal your inner world and improve your approach to daily life.
There is no artistic skill needed. You are free to speak your mind and open your heart, and in your own unique way express yourself through the art materials supplied. Pictures are so useful when words are not enough and stick figures are most welcome.
I will be beside you as you delve into your world and the direction we take is completely up to you. In each session you will have the opportunity to:
Feel and express feelings as they arise
Clarify thoughts and emotions
Identify and resolve issues of concern
Rekindle passions and dreams and initiate new ones
Gain insight into personal culture, philosophy and spirituality
Find healthy alternatives to habits of thinking and behaving
Identify inner strengths, resources and potentials
Review and shift perspectives
Consider decisions about the future
The primary objective of every session is to benefit your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing (not to produce great art) and each session is a new opportunity to express your real self and strengthen your essential nature.
The insights, strategies and relief gained through this crystallising process will help you discover and live the life you prefer, with your authentic self leading the way.

About Me
My name is Eileen,
I am a Transpersonal Art Therapist able to see you in Homebush West, online or possibly in your home if in Sydney’s Inner West.
I'm passionate about helping you feel more alive and in touch with your essential nature.
Having experienced the benefits of Art Therapy myself, I was inspired to study and share this highly effective therapy with others.
For a holistic approach focusing on mental, physical, social, emotional, creative, intellectual and spiritual needs, I obtained a Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy from the College of Complementary Medicine in Hornsby. This modality works well with all belief systems and allows you to explore your place in the world with an emphasis
on healing through self expression and personal growth.
News update
Click below to see my poster presentation to The Mental Health Services Conference 2023. The theme of the conference is Making Rights Real, Bringing Humanity and Human Rights into Mental Health.
Click here to download poster (requires Powerpoint)
I have been having regular art therapy sessions with Eileen for some time now.
There hasn't been one session where I haven't gained new insights about myself, my emotions and, hence, how I interpret the world and those around me.
Eileen and the medium of art therapy have really allowed me to uncover, explore, and often even resolve, feelings and emotions that would have otherwise stayed hidden away.
Aged Care Lifestyle Officer
My overall experience has allowed me to express unrecognised feelings/bottled up thoughts. I have come to realise what I need to work on in life.
Each session always unlocks a new door. I look forward to what I discover about myself each time I visit Eileen. She’s extremely dedicated and understanding.
I’m so thankful to have had art therapy and Eileen help me through hard times!
Fashion Business Owner
I thoroughly enjoy my sessions with Eileen, Transpersonal Art Therapy is a fantastic way to creatively explore and process.
I have been able to gain fresh perspective in areas where I have been stressed and stuck, whilst expressing myself freely.
I feel 100% validated and supported in each and every session and highly recommend Eileen as a practitioner.
Kinesiologist & Coach